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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why traditional education is better than technology-based?

On-line education is in trend nowadays. In the future, students may have the opportunity to study at home with computers rather than go to traditional schools like what we are used to doing.

There most common on-line form of education today is English tutorials. As of now, students and tutors use chatting, headset and web camera as the path of communication and of education. Is this the better option?

People must prefer the traditional way because in a classroom setting, students can learn and socialize with their peers. Also, from the instructor, he or she can teach students many valuable lessons of life which cannot be learned through technology. It is like the question of doing research through the library or the internet. Both have advantages and disadvantages but traditional education has the numerous advantages over on-line education.

Students learn better socially and academically in a classroom. Students are mostly young-aged. Therefore, they are generally interested in meeting and being with their peers. As they interact, it makes it easier for them to pay focus and learn. As social creatures, one could not just stay secluded and educate his own self. That is impossible! We live, grow, learn and succeed with people along the way.

Besides lecture materials, a classroom instructor teaches many other important life lessons. Students can learn and develop punctuality and good study habits. A teacher serves as a guide through education process which is a big part of life. Another important mission is to direct youth out of trouble. There is this bond between the instructor and the students which could not be built on-line. As the source of education, a teacher is not around just to introduce books and exams but also, he or she is selfless enough to share the lessons life taught her or him.

We must prefer to study at traditional schools and let us send our children there. It is because being around other people of our age or different ages gives us the opportunity to socialize and learn not only from the internet or books but from the society and from life. We could also learn other things which are important to education such as study skills. On-line education or any form of technology-based education is convenient. However, let us not risk quality. Long-term goals must always be prioritized.

No matter how advanced technology would be- there will always be these things that would stay best if they would be maintained as is. One of these things is EDUCATION.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Getting Your Newborn to Sleep All Through the Night

It is not easy to get your newborn to sleep all through the night when you first bring them home from the hospital. It may be hard to hear but a newborn baby really does need to eat every few hours. This means that they are going to wake up in the middle of the night and you need to get up to feed them. However there are ways that you can rearrange your schedule so that they can get into a good routine and this can make nighttime feedings go a lot easier.
Sleep comfortably....

The most important thing is to get the baby to sleep through the night. This means that you will get to sleep through the night. Getting a good routine is important and if you can get them done early, you are going to notice that it is easier for you to transfer to sleeping through the night when your baby no longer wakes up to eat in the middle of night anymore.

It is important to put your baby to sleep at the same time every night. Many of the new parents do not do this because they think if they have a newborn, it will be easier on them if the newborn sleeps at the same time that the parents do. However a baby is going to wake up early in the morning and so if your child is put to bed earlier at night this will put them on a schedule and a good routine. This will mean that your child is going to be less cranky during the day and your days and nights both will be more pleasant.

It is also a good idea for you to remember with your newborn is that the only times they should be waking up at night will be the times that they are hungry and need to eat. This means that if you can keep your baby happy so that they are only waking up to eat, this will be much easier for you to make the transition to having them sleep through the night. When the baby is not waking up during the night, except to eat, they are going to be much happier during the day.

There are several things that you can do to make certain that they are sleeping well. Make sure that the temperature in the room is warm and enjoyable for a baby. Your newborn should not need to have blankets on and he or she should not be dressed in many different layers to keep warm. On the same not, they should not be dressed to warmly because if a newborn gets hot he or she will wake up. Know that if you keep the room dark and quiet you and your baby are more likely to sleep better and more comfortably.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Specific Phobia!
One of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders are phobias, which are irrational fears surrounding a specific object or situation. With this type of disorder, the fear is persistent and reoccurring, even though the feared object or situation entering a person’s life is often out of control of that person. This anxiety disorder is affecting up to 18% of Americans and is the second most common mental illness among men and the most common mental illness among woman. For many, phobias interfere with daily life.

Luckily, there is help. There are many ways to treat phobias, no matter how they have developed. If you think that you suffer from a phobia, no matter what it may be, see your doctor immediately. He or she can recommend a treatment plan for you so that you can begin to overcome your fears and take back the control of your daily life. Phobias do not have to say with you forever.

Clinical phobias are separated into three main categories: social phobias (in which a person fears involvement with people and social situations), specific phobias (in which a certain trigger like heights, spiders, water, or flying can cause fear), and agoraphobia (in which a person fears leaving the comfort and familiarity of home or a safe area). There are many different treatments you can try in order to cope with any of these phobias.

Virtual reality is a relatively new kind of treatment used specifically to desensitize a patient. With virtual reality, a person is immersed in fear until becoming immune to it, essentially. You can also actually put the patient in a fearful situation, but this can sometimes be dangerous or expensive, so virtual reality is a great alternative. It also gives patients the chance to pull the plug, so to speak, if needed, so more patients agree to this treatment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy may also work to help overcome a phobia. With this method, you examine your specific thoughts and behaviors and work to overcome them. You can do this one-on-one with a therapist or in a group setting. By understanding your fears, it may be easier to realize that your fears are irrational.

Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug that has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments.


Specific Phobia!
One of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders are phobias, which are irrational fears surrounding a specific object or situation. With this type of disorder, the fear is persistent and reoccurring, even though the feared object or situation entering a person’s life is often out of control of that person. This anxiety disorder is affecting up to 18% of Americans and is the second most common mental illness among men and the most common mental illness among woman. For many, phobias interfere with daily life.

Luckily, there is help. There are many ways to treat phobias, no matter how they have developed. If you think that you suffer from a phobia, no matter what it may be, see your doctor immediately. He or she can recommend a treatment plan for you so that you can begin to overcome your fears and take back the control of your daily life. Phobias do not have to say with you forever.

Clinical phobias are separated into three main categories: social phobias (in which a person fears involvement with people and social situations), specific phobias (in which a certain trigger like heights, spiders, water, or flying can cause fear), and agoraphobia (in which a person fears leaving the comfort and familiarity of home or a safe area). There are many different treatments you can try in order to cope with any of these phobias.

Virtual reality is a relatively new kind of treatment used specifically to desensitize a patient. With virtual reality, a person is immersed in fear until becoming immune to it, essentially. You can also actually put the patient in a fearful situation, but this can sometimes be dangerous or expensive, so virtual reality is a great alternative. It also gives patients the chance to pull the plug, so to speak, if needed, so more patients agree to this treatment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy may also work to help overcome a phobia. With this method, you examine your specific thoughts and behaviors and work to overcome them. You can do this one-on-one with a therapist or in a group setting. By understanding your fears, it may be easier to realize that your fears are irrational.

Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug that has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Choosing your Anxiety Disorder Doctor

When you have an anxiety disorder, you doctor will be one of the most important people in your lives. Anxiety disorders range from social phobia to obsessive-compulsive disorder to post-traumatic stress disorder (to everything in between), and can be debilitating. If you currently think you have an anxiety disorder, you should see a doctor right away for treatment. While it may be a bit difficult to find a doctor that works well for you, using these four steps will help you to be sure to choose the perfect doctor for your situation.

The first step to choosing a doctor when you have anxiety disorder is to find what doctors are available to you. In some cases, your insurance may specify that only certain doctors in your area can be used if you want your treatments to be covered. Doctor appointments and hospital test can be very expensive, so it is important to learn which doctors are in your network. To do this, you can contact your insurance company or talk to your family doctor to find out which doctors in the area will be able to best treat your anxiety disorder.

Once you have a list of names, it is important to do a little background research about your potential doctors. In order to make the best choice, you doctor should specialize in mental illness or, even better, anxiety disorders. If all else fails, you should look for a doctor who has treated patients with anxiety disorders in the past, even if he or she does not specifically specialize in this area. You should make sure your doctor has the right credentials and can contact the AMA or BBB to make sure that your doctor’s practice is legitimate.

As a third step, contact the doctor for a consultation or appointment. Your doctor should click with you, especially if going to the doctor’s is yet another thing that triggers anxiety. When you find a doctor that works well for you, you’ll feel more at ease, no matter how stressful the treatments or tests. A good doctor will be friendly, answer all of your questions, and have enough time to deal with your case. If a doctor doesn’t know your name or relies on nurses to do most of the work, this may not be your best doctor choice.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to see more than one doctor. Second and even third opinions on your medical condition are great, and often different doctors will recommend different kinds of treatment, expanding your view of what is available for you. Of course, you should choose just one doctor to use as your primary doctor, but the only way to pick the best one is to see a number of doctors until you are sure that the one you choose is the best care-giver for you and your medical situation.