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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Are We Too Clean?

There are studies that will show the common allergic disease like hay fever, eczema and other food allergies that are found less often in children from larger families.

These things will hold the immune system back with its development. This is because of the lack of dirt and germs that the immune system does not learn what it should in order to protect the body from. This is going to allow it to go after other things that are not going to be good for the body and it can cause a problem with an allergy in just about anyone.

With children sometimes the immune system does not develop the way that it should. Since allergies are an incorrect response of the immune system, childhood and adult allergies have become bigger problems in most.

Because of the hygiene hypothesis the more modern methods of cleaning and sanitizing can help get rid of germs. The body will take care of it through the natural immune system like it does not have enough to do each day.

There are agents that are germs that are going to be shared by brothers and sisters that are helpful to the immune system. It will help that the immune system will learn what it is supposed to do in order to protect our bodies from.

There are antibiotic uses during a baby first year and the growing use of antibacterial cleaning products has also been linked to an increase in asthma and other types of allergies today.

The hypothesis of hygiene can explain to us that the antibacterial cleaning products and antibiotic drugs will limit our immune system抯 exposure to infectious diseases, parasites and other harmful bacteria.

It may seem that the more information society gets the cleaner we may become. This will mean that the more the food allergies will persist and more people will become allergic to so many different things.

There are going to be problems of allergies that are going to be much higher in the developed countries than in the lesser-developed areas. The numbers are going to be increased as industrializations spreads through the world.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Typical Food Allergies, What are they?

Food allergies can be thought of as through contact. In the East Asia parts where rice makes up a very big part of the culture’s diet, rich allergies are going to be very common. They are going to be as common as those salary allergies in Central Europe.

Allergens are going to be different from other countries. These big 8 are going to make the top ten in many other places around the world. Within in the United States these are going to be referred as the “ the big 8”. With over 90% of the United States food allergies they will be made up of these types of allergies.

- Milk is one of the most common food allergies that people are suffering from. Many are lactose intolerant and cannot take the ingredients that are found in regular milk.

- Eggs are another item that many people are allergic too. Some are going to be allergic to the whites of the yolk. This type of food allergy is going to be more noticeable in children but some adults can suffer from it too.

- Peanuts are a serious allergy. Most people including children and adults are going to have food allergies that will include peanuts.

- Tree Nut is something that more children are going to be allergic to than adults. The actual symptoms are going to be the same of peanut allergies but it will not necessarily mean that you are allergic to the other one.

- Seafood is something that is not limited to children but seem more often. People eating or cooking fish near you can pass by the air and the fish allergens.

- Shellfish is a very dangerous allergy. Some people will have it if they are allergic to seafood while others will not. But having one will not mean that you are going to have the other.

- Soya is something that many people need to be careful eating especially when they are eating Asian foods or using any type of Asian sauces.

- Wheat is the most common food allergy. It can also be a problem for those that have a respiratory problem. It can be an allergy that is caught through the respiratory system and can lead to something much more dangerous.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is it Safe to whiten your Teeth?

There are many questions out there about whitening your teeth. Some studies are going to be different than others. One thing is that most studies say that it is a completely safe process.

There are dentists that also recommend fluoride gets to anyone using a higher concentration of the teeth whitening process so they can be protected better.

Enamel on the teeth is not going to be hurt I the whitening agent only have ten percent of car amide peroxide.

Having a higher rate of car amide and hydrogen peroxide may be harmful for the enamel on your teeth. However there is fluoride in most of the gels that will take out the harmful contents for the most part.

Some people will have sensitive gums and even irritation due to the usage of the teeth whitening gels on a regular basis. When this happens you should skip a few days in between uses and not use it everyday.

This is where a prescription for fluoride is going to be a big help for the sensitivity. There is medication called Oriel that you can buy in most stores to help with any gum irritation.

Dentists are irritated because of the patient loss due to the over the counter products that can be purchased now. Many people do not have to see their dentist to whiten their teeth because they can buy it for much less in most stores.

You may even want to cut back on the amount of time that you leave it on your teeth. The at home and over the counter products may give many people sensitive teeth and even irritate the gums a little bit.

Many ads will request that you speak to your dentist first before you turn to a teeth-whitening process. You want to make sure that you fully understand what you will be doing and what to expect with the procedure.

However, the products that are out there help to create excitement about teeth whitening. This can help dentists because many want to go one step further with the cosmetic process that many dentists can offer.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Doing it yourself to Whiten your Teeth

Office Whitening

You will see that there are many ways to whiten your teeth. One way is to apply a teeth-whitening gel on each tooth and then a light called a Zoom is placed on your teeth for up to an hour.

The gel is going to reflect the light and this will whiten your teeth. There is also teeth whitening gel that is made from diluted hydrogen peroxide and this is placed on your teeth.

After this a blue light known as a BriteSmile is going to be used on your teeth. You can usually get your teeth about ten shades whiter using a power light bleaching also known as Rembrandt.

There are dentists out there that say this will protect from new stains forming and brown or yellow stains developing. This can be expensive and even cost more than $500.

Your teeth may be sensitive after these processes. It can take a few days for your teeth to feel back to normal.

If your teeth have yellow on them it may be due to the fact that you drink a lot of cola, red wines, tea or even coffee. Some people that smoke also deal with discolored teeth.

If you do smoke or take certain medications that turn your teeth a shade of yellow, the teeth whitening process may not be as helpful as you might expect.

Doing it yourself

There are different ways that you can whiten your teeth at home. The one way is to get a customized impression tray fitted to your top and bottom teeth. You will want to wear this piece a few hours of each day filled with gel that whitens the teeth.

You have to do this for no less than three days. This can be cost up to $500 and sometimes you can find it for less.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

How to reduce stress?

There are a lot of ways to stop stress from happening to you or even your household. Don’t worry about things until you find out for sure that if it is something to a thing to worry yourself about. Worrying about a lot of things is the main source of what causes stress.

Stress is a reason why a lot of people get sick, or end up in the hospital over. They either had a nervous breakdown or did some stupid like that. To avoid this from happening to you don’t let things get to you as much as you do. It is all up to you to avoid letting these types of things to happen. Stress is what a lot of people go through in their every day life.

A good way to reduce stress at home with your kids is to do things everyday as much as possible. Fun things like going for ice cream go to a park, go to the movies, go bowling, and things that are fun like that. This will keep not only you, but also your children from getting stressed about things.

A good way to reduce stress for yourself if you do not have any kids, is to go out with friends have a good time don’t think about things while your out and about. This will help to keep your mind off of things, and keep you from having a lot of stress.

People worry about their future a lot. You cannot sit and worry about your future while you are focusing on the presents of your life now. Also bad things that have been bothering you that happened in the past is some thing that stresses people. Think about it you did it, it was a mistake, and it is over and done with now so why let it stress you out. Just think every one in this world makes mistakes. Life is way to short to worry the whole way through it. You will not enjoy life if you worry or stress over things every day.

There are certain times in life that there are no ways around being stressed about what is going on. Having a love one in the hospital for three months, loosing a family member, and different things like that. Those types of things are stressful, but you got other things to focus on The best thing that you could do for them people, is don’t worry things will get better and pray for them.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Some are just very frustrating and annoying to most. However there are some people that have symptoms of allergies that can be very life threatening and dangerous.

Do you know what the main symptoms of allergies are? Do you know what to look for when it comes to allergies?

The most common symptoms are going to be the following:

* Headache. Having a headache can be a very distractible problem. Many times it is hard to live a normal life and do the things that a person normally would do.
* Hives. Having hives is something that will be annoying and very uncomfortable. It will be painful for some and it can bring the attention of others to you when you are out in public.
* Itchy notes. Mouth, throat and skin. An itch that cannot be smoothed is one of the most annoying problems that an allergy can bring on.
* Runny nose. Having a runny nose is something that is going to mean that a person is constantly blowing their nose or sniffing.
* Skin rashes are some that are painful and itchy most of the time. However they are also very annoying and even ugly for some people depending on where they are located on the body.
* Breathing problems. This is one that can be very harmful for a person that has an allergy. It is really going to get someone’ s attention. Having a lack of oxygen can really get a person’s attention for the allergy.
* Burning and itchy eyes known as Conjunctivitis. This is a big problem for most people that are dealing with allergies.
* Coughing. This is something that many people with allergies have to deal with. It is a constant cough that will start to become painful for some.
* Diarrhea. Having diarrhea can be a very big problem for many people in their normal lifetime. It may even become life threatening for some that have it too long.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Autism and Supplementation

Supplements have become an important part of the health industry. There are literally thousands of products on the market that can give your body the added nutrients it needs. People with autism are especially prone to nutritional difficulties and it is important that they take supplements to achieve a balanced nutritional state.

The first step toward addressing autism and supplementation is to adopt a gluten and casein free diet. These proteins have been found to potentially worsen the symptoms of autism. In fact, gluten and casein, in many autistic children, have been found to help the brain produce natural opiates, making foods that contain them practically addictive!

Another important step is the implementation of a balanced and healthy diet. Remember, autistic children are influenced by routines, so if a healthy diet is instituted early and followed, autistic children will likely adhere to it.

It is also important to have the input of a doctor to determine if your autistic child is absorbing the proper amount of nutrients. Simple blood tests can determine nutrient levels and from this data a diet can be successfully adjusted to address any shortfalls. Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) medical professionals are a good place to start because they have been especially trained to understand the challenges facing autistic children.

There is a list of common supplements that autistic children are often lacking or simply do not have at optimum levels. Selenium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, folinic acids, vitamins C and E, essential fatty acid, cod liver oil, taurine, and various amino acids.

When beginning a regiment of supplements, it is important to work them in slowly. It is equally important to document changes in behavior. Pay close attention to the effects of supplements on your child. Note any differences and prepare to discuss them with your doctor or nutritionist.

In terms of positive and negative effects that can result from the use of supplements, and a change in diet – they will not be easy to miss. Positive changes can include a reduction in the severity of behaviors. Many autistic children can show improvement in managing behaviors and social interaction. It is equally important to note regressions in behavior. If negative behaviors are observed, the supplement added should be reduced or eliminated. For the most part, negotiating the diet and supplementation of an autistic child is a trial and error undertaking. It is recommended that when first purchasing supplements you start with small packages. Buying in bulk can save you money in the long run, but if you buy a ton of a supplement that produces undesired results, you are stuck with useless product.

Should you chose to add supplements to your child’s diet, you will need to d so in a controlled manner. Don’t just dole out supplements on an experimental basis. Work with a doctor or a nutritionist to come up with a specific plan that is geared toward your child’s success. This regiment should include frequent tests for metal toxicity, stool analysis, and tests for various amino acids and peptides.

There is a lot to consider when choosing supplements for your child. This process is very important and can improve the overall quality of their life. Do not rush into the process and make sure you cover all the bases before proceeding. Give supplements time to work. Oftentimes, it takes time for the body to accurately process nutrients and for you to see any changes in behavior.

There are many more resources and information about diagnosing, controlling and treating Autism in, - The Essential Guide To Autism

Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Show Love To an Autistic Child

One of the most pervasive myths that surround autism is that a child who has it will never show affection and can’t accept getting affection from anyone. There have been literally piles of stories of parents taking their child to a psychologist and the doctor telling the parents that your child can’t possibly be autistic because he gives you a hug now and then. While this opinion is just flat wrong, studies have shown that autistic children do process sensory touch differently than a non-autistic child and that this is where the myth that autistic children don’t like to be touched comes from.

How to calm Syahmi?  Of course with 'Bantal Busyuk'

Autism and the way it affects kids really runs the gamut from light to severe. An excellent point to remember when dealing with an autistic child is that every single autistic child is different and will react to almost everything differently. Here are some tips for showing your autistic child affection, and remember, your experience may vary.

• Trial and error. For some kids with more severe autism, a simple, random hug can be sensory overload. They can become agitated, upset and even violent if they are touched without prior warning. You will probably need to have a trial and error approach when it comes to hugging and touching your autistic child. Some methods may be responded to in a positive way, other ways won’t be. You just have to try and see.

• Let the child come to you. If you think your autistic child needs a hug, instead of rushing into his personal space and just taking one, speak to the child, bend down to his/her level and open your arms. Smile and let the child know that they are loved and see what the response is. If they don’t come running in for a hug, don’t be offended, it may just not have been the right time for the child.

• Try hand signals. If your child is too sensitive to hugs or touches to show affection, you can try positive reinforcement in addition to hand singles. Things like a simple thumbs up accompanied by a smile and some positive comments can let the child know they are loved and what they did was good. You can also offer the child a chance to hug during these situations and they might just take you up on it.

• Make sure everyone is on the same page. If you, the parents, are starting to make progress on getting your autistic child to be more affectionate, you don’t need a sibling, teacher or grandparent who doesn’t know or understand your child’s boundaries messing up all of your hard work. If you’ve begun to implement an affection program with your autistic child, make sure everyone who would possibly try to hug or touch him/her knows the rules. Consistency and repetition are crucial to autistic kids, and this applies to a situation like this, as well.

Trying to figure out a puzzling condition like autism can be a lifelong challenge. For many parents, the affection issue may be the biggest. But with patience and learning to go by the child’s cues and not your own, you will be able to connect with your child in a deep and meaningful way.

There are many more resources and information about diagnosing, controlling and treating Autism in, - The Essential Guide To Autism

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Autism Anxiety Overload

The renowned autism expert Tony Atwood is fond of putting it this way: “Autism is anxiety looking for a target.” Autism and anxiety go hand-in-hand. Autism affects a person’s ability to communicate with others or to understand the world around him, and that’s bound to cause anxiety and panic sometimes.

Anxiety becomes even worse when there is a change in the autistic child’s routine. Even positive and “fun” changes, like a school field trip or a visit to the zoo, can increase anxiety and aggressive behaviors.

For parents, the best course of action is to anticipate upcoming changes and help your child prepare for them. Many parents find it helpful to use stories and pictures to prepare children for impending disruptions. If it’s a field trip to the zoo, for example, use pictures to show your child what he’ll see at the zoo, what the zoo will be like, and what sort of things to expect. Do this each day for three or four days prior to the trip. That way, when the trip actually happens, the child won’t be entirely out of his element, but will already understand and appreciate some of what will be happening.

Other changes in the routine are less enjoyable but still necessary. Getting a new teacher can be traumatic, as can moving to a new house. If at all possible, try to spread out the major changes. If you move to a new house, try to do it during the summer, so that your child won’t have to deal with the added anxiety of getting a new school and new teacher mid-year.

You can also introduce your child to the concept of “change” in a positive way by practicing with non-negative things. For example, just for practice, give him a little extra TV time instead of homework time one night, to show that changes in the routine can often be fun and good. Then practice with a neutral change (homework after dinner instead of before dinner), then with a negative one (changing play time into chore time). This process can help your child grow accustomed to the idea of change and learn to adapt without becoming anxious.

For continual, ongoing anxiety, many parents have begun using anti-anxiety medications for their autistic children. Usually, the medications are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and are also used for obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. Prozac, Luvox, Zoloft and Anafranil are all common for anxiety in autistic children.

For behavioral problems, antipsychotics such as Haldol, fluphenazine and chlorpromazine can be prescribed. These can reduce aggression in autistic kids, but sometimes also cause sedation and muscle stiffness.

All patients are different. You and your doctor should monitor your child’s progress very closely, using the lowest dose of medication possible, to see if what improvements it makes and whether there are any adverse reactions. Medication should be the last resort for autism, not the first one. There are a number of natural remedies available if you don’t want to go down the drug route. But try behavioral and dietary modifications first, to see what improvements can be made naturally.

There are many more resources and information about diagnosing, controlling and treating Autism in,
The Essential Guide To Autism

Monday, May 5, 2008

Making Learning Fun

Making Learning Fun

Autism is a disorder of the brain that is biological in function. It causes anywhere from mild to severe social impairment and an inability to function normally in society. However, there are ways to treat many of the cases of autism. Autistic children can learn and excel and if certain teaching methods are used, their progress can be nothing short of fantastic.

One of the most important things to realize in making learning fun for autistic children is the fact that they learn in different ways than children without autism. Autistic children generally have a disability in social skills. Sometimes this difficulty in communication involves language skills. However, there are a number of ways to make learning these important skills more than just a chore. By injecting fun into learning, it has been shown that autistic children learn at a faster pace. Actually, fun and learning work well for all types of children, but autistic children are special and require more tailored methods.

Children with autism seem to learn best when the instructional material is presented in visual form. In this case it might be worthwhile to try different educational programs via a computer. Using a computer is a fun way to learn. The majority of educational programs are highly visual. Many of the games available involve storylines, plots, and realistic human behaviors. Some of the skills autistic children can learn from carefully selected video games are language skills, reading and math skills, and social skills. Visual learning devices are highly effective and can be accompanied by various rewards to reinforce what is being learned. For instance, food and extended leisure activities can be used as rewards that will encourage the child to want to learn. In addition, the use of positive reinforcement will help develop a bond between student and teacher, and create a sense of trust that will help strengthen the learning environment.

Social stories are another way to make learning fun for children with autism. Since one of the aspects of autism is the inability to interact normally in a social situation, social stories can be utilized in a variety of different ways in order to model appropriate behavior. Autism education pioneer Carol Gray developed this approach in 1991. By using engaging stories, children with autism can learn appropriate and inappropriate responses to situations. The level of fun, of course, is up to the way social stories are used. Usually, the stories are tailored to the child. By modeling situations familiar to an autistic child, they can be better prepared to react in a socially appropriate to those same situations in the future. Social stories usually have three distinct ways of addressing a particular situation. The first describes who, what, where and why in relation to the situation. The second is a perspective sentence that illuminates how others react to the situation being discussed. Finally, the third sentence tries to model an appropriate response. Sometimes the use of social stories can be accompanied by music and pictures. In terms of making the process a bit more fun rewards can be used when a situation is properly addressed.

Children with autism require special education needs to address their social difficulties. It is really important to make these activities as much fun as possible so the student will stay motivated. It is not easy for an autistic child to change his or her response to various situations, so it is imperative that the activities be non-threatening and highly interesting. It has been demonstrated that over time the use of visual aids and social stories are two of the most effective ways to help autistic children overcome social situations they feel are threatening. To most of us, these situations are normal, everyday occurrences, but to children with autism they can sometimes be terrifying moments that they do not have the skills to deal with. These teaching methods, while entertaining and fun, can help children adapt and manage their perceptions of social interactions.

There are many more resources and information about diagnosing, controlling and treating Autism in, The Essential Guide To Autism

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Activities for Autistic Children

Please can you offer some activity-based suggestions and PE/games options for autistic children that they can do at home or at school. Looking at two age groups here 7 – 10 and 11-16.

Parents, teachers, and other caregivers often get so caught up in educating and providing structure to the lives of autistic children that they forget that, above all, he or she is a child. Like any other child in his or her age group, your autistic child wants to have fun. While some activities may not be suitable for those suffering from autism, there are a number of fun games to play with autistic children, many of which can get them involved with others or help them further develop motor or social skills while just focusing on having a good time.

Autistic children in the elementary school age range can benefit greatly from song. Even children who do not verbally communicate with words can learn to hum along or play simple instruments, such as tambourines or whistles. Using sounds that are repetitive and with educational lyricshelps autistic children learn school lessons but also gives them an outlet for some of the sensory stimulation they need, such as yelling. Play follow the leader with the instruments to help the children focus their attention and improve socialization skills.

Depending on how mature your child is, he or she may also not only be able to participate in regular childhood games, but greatly benefit from them as well. These activities, including tag and other games, can be learned more easily than you think. Stick with games in which the autistic child is not forced to have close physical contact with other children, as this may be hurtful for autistic individuals. Also, remember to play to your child’s strengths or what he or she wishes to learn. If he or she has a problem with yelling inappropriately, for example, encouraging him or her to be involved with a game of hide and seek may help curb this behavior.

Autistic children often wish to be included in games with non-autistic peers, and so this may help with the learning process. At home, focus on games that involve closer contact with trusted family members. For example, make it a game to get across the room without touching the floor. Perhaps the only route in some instances is to be carried. Remember that each child is different developmentally, so stay in tune with how challenging the activities should be.

As your child matures, he or she may want to be involved with organized sports. This should be encouraged, but choose your sport carefully. Golf, baseball, and other sports that do not involve strong personal sensory stimulation may be better for your child than something like tackle football. However, be open to all possibilities. Be sure the team’s coach understands your child’s disability and is willing to work with him or her.

At this later developmental stage, also continue encouraging learning activities. Sensory games work well to further teach these children, and as they mature emphasize the importance of appropriate behavior as you are playing these games. Using things like water balloons in games your child already enjoys is often as fun for children with autism. Also realize that an autistic individual has trouble seeing things from another’s point of view. Therefore, they may be less likely to enjoy games in which something must be kept a secret from another person (like go-fish).

Overall, you and your child need to grow together. Remember that although he or she has many special needs, sometimes your child needs to simply be a kid as well. Encourage play along with work, and realize that games and activities for autistic children may fulfil two key elements, socialization skills for life and learning to enjoy playing with their peers.

There are many more resources and information about diagnosing, controlling and treating Autism in, The Essential Guide To Autism

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

When it comes to a birthday

Happy Birthday song. In fact, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, Happy Birthday is the most popular song in the English Language.

When it comes to a birthday, there are a few ways of saying that it is time for cake, but it is known to everyone who is young or old, that all you have to do is start singing “Happy Birthday” and soon the cake and all the candles will appear.

The song is made of four bars and only sixteen words. It is a very simple song, but it has a very deep meaning.

Most of the time, it is sung in English, however, you’ll want to keep in mind that there are many languages that translate the song, even if the country or culture is not use to using English celebrations.

The Hill sisters composed the tune, -Happy Birthday To You-, in 1893. Originally the schoolteachers wrote the tune to a song entitles -Good Morning To You- and was sung to the classroom every morning.

Keep in mind that the version that most people know was copyrighted in 1935, but the copyright will expire in the year 2030. In fact, technically it is illegal to publicly perform –Happy Birthday To You- unless royalties are paid to the Summy Company and its owner Warner Chappell who bought the company in 1990.

Did you know that the value of the song is estimated about $5 million, but the fact is that it is not clear as to who wrote the song?

And because strict copy law issue, many people who are shooting a film will not show the full content of the song, and that is why you’ll often see them singing another song (For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow) instead of singing the birthday song.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Exclusive schools for him/her vs. Co-educational

It is said that boys and girls excel better if they are educated separately during their teenage years. This is according to best of both worlds: the coordinate theory. For parents, this is a better way of keeping their children focused. Coeducation has been the most common form of classroom for most schools around the globe. These days, more and more children are being sent to exclusive schools for boys or girls. Their parents have varied reasons of making that decision.

There are some reasons parents consider why they enroll they enroll their kids. One of the reasons is the teacher-student ratio. Unlike coeducation schools, the situation is really better in single sex schools. The fact is that the number of students in these kinds of schools is not that many, so teachers’ number is not a big problem. For most single sex preparatory schools, there is really a consistent number. The trend is like 12-15 students per class.

This setting would really give students the fair chance to learn from the teacher. All students will be given enough attention and supervision vital for them. For the teacher, she or he will also have the best time to get closer to students. With this, she could know them very well and she could determine the right approach to use for them. This kind of atmosphere will indeed create a space for good communication and interaction. These factors are catalysts of quality education. And, quality education is a need in making the best out of a person’s life. Another important thing is that students do not have the chance to quit a class because the teacher’s attention is nailed at them.

There are studies around the world which shows that female students in exclusive schools develop higher ability improvement when it comes to reading skills and Science tests. Furthermore, if compared to girls of the same age from coeducational schools, they excel more in writing, reading and science.

Scientists have proven that males and females differ in their neurons. Thus, educating them separately would really be beneficial.

The most important thing for students in single sex schools including the males is that they were able to polish their academic excellence. They need that for College. Therefore, having it would enable them to be at par from the rest. This goes on until they look for their jobs and face the real world.

The drive for excellence is really important in this competitive world.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sounding Off: How Auditory Stimulation Helps an Hurts and Autistic Child

Sounds are a part of our everyday life, and so when dealing with an autistic child who has sensory problems, sound is one of the first things you should learn to control, especially in a learning environment. Sound can both be hurtful and helpful for an autistic child. Because each autistic individual is different, you must closely observe him or her to find out what types of reactions you can expect from auditory sensory stimulation.

Sounds can also cause fixation. Some children, for example, constantly hum and seem fixated on the sights and sounds of lawn mowers. Use this fixation to be beneficial. For example, read stories about lawn mowers or use the humming in conjunction with a song.

Music is a great way in which autistic individuals can learn, because sound is a form of nonverbal communication. Teachers and parents should use this tool in learning environments. The key is to make sound work for you and your child. Autism is a difficult disorder to handle, so by being sensitive to your child’s specific needs, you can help him or her learn to deal with the sounds of everyday life.

Loud or frightening sounds may be the most difficult type of sensory stimulation in an autistic child’s life. Many of our routine daily activities include such sounds, hurting the growth process. Autistic children can not and will not learn if they are frightened. For example, parents often find that they have a difficult time toilet training their autistic children. This may be due to the scary sound of the toilet flushing; witch could be overpowering to and autistic child. Instead, try using a potty seat away from the actual toilet until they get used to the idea. Another example is loud or crunchy foods.

If your autistic child is a picky eater, try to notice specifically which foods he or she blatantly refuses to eat. Sometimes, food simply sounds too loud when crunching in an autistic child’s mouth, and these loud noises can hurt his or her ears. If this is the case with your child, provide alternative soft foods instead of crunchy carrots, apples, or potato chips. Other loud sounds, such as a vacuum cleaner, may hurt your child’s ears. Try to do these activities when he or she is not in the room, or consider providing your child with earplugs that he or she can use if the world gets too loud.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Teachers Lecture or Students Talk?

Talking in class help students to stay focused and interested. Students are more concerned because they anticipate being asked to answer. Each would love to be heard and listened to as they actively participate in the discussion. The class will not only be interesting but also practical for everyday life.

While some students prefer lectures where the professors do all of the talking, other students like to participate in the discussion. The latter is commendable. When students are allowed to speak, they become better communicators as well as become more interested in the topic.

Students who are encouraged to speak in class learn how to express their selves verbally. Students who possess strong communication skills are making it big in interviews and perform better when dealing with clients or customers. As we are all aware of, the employment industry often requires people with good communication skills. These people appear to be more confident as well.

Passive form of educating students is not that common these days. This method is existent in conservative countries only. This does not polish students well. It looks like they appear to be absorbers only. Communication is a two-way process and it is the best form of education. Could we call it communication when the receivers do not even have the chance to give feedbacks?

Evaluation is a process of measuring what has the students learned. How could an instructor evaluate his or her students when he or she is the only one talking? Paper and pencil tests are also forms of evaluation but they are not complete at all. There are a lot of evaluation types needed in order to come up with the most reliable source.

Evaluation is important because it will give answers to the following questions: Were the objectives of the lesson or chapter achieved? Was the teacher effective? Did the students learn what they needed to?

The active way of teaching has kept the most literate countries move fast when it comes to their educational system improvement. Education is important for a country to keep it tall against these challenging times. Having uneducated people is the worst liability a country could have. The economy is also affected by the degree of education it has.

In the end, tall buildings could not substitute the people’s mind. As a person explores life, he will need the tool of communication. Being silent is necessary sometimes but keeping one’s mouth all the time is almost next to ignorance and selfishness.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What is stress?

The definition of stress can mean different things to different people. Many people have different feelings about it and have many causes for it as well. It is hard to pin point just what stress is, but is something that can affect the body and the mind of just about anyone.

Stress is usually considered the buildup of anxiety and pressures on any given person. There is only so much pressure that one person can handle and stress will occur when the person has had their fill of it. Stress is not necessarily a dangerous thing. It is only a problem when the person who is under a great deal of stress can no longer function and is letting it get the best of them.

Many people have stress because of the job they are in. Some people bring their worries and troubles in the workforce home with them, which will cause them to have a build up of too much stress in their life. This can mean that they are having a hard time dealing with pressures and may start to have mood swings or be depressed a lot

Some people have too much stress at home. It may be because of a dysfunctional relationship with a partner or child. This can cause a person to loose sight of what they are doing and they may have too much to deal with at one time. This can be a reason for a person to have some difficulties dealing with their stress because they are not sure how to fix a problem.

It is very normal for people to have some form of stress on their mind. It is something that we all have had to deal with and we eventually get through it. However, there are some that cannot work past it and this will lead to more problems that can become very serious for them later down the road. This will include their emotional and their physical health.

When a person has too much stress, they must find help from a source that they can trust. It is important to get things under control so that the person will have a chance for a happy and healthy lifestyle. There are ways to control stress and deter your body from it. All you have to do is recognize when you are under too much stress and that you need to get help for it.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why traditional education is better than technology-based?

On-line education is in trend nowadays. In the future, students may have the opportunity to study at home with computers rather than go to traditional schools like what we are used to doing.

There most common on-line form of education today is English tutorials. As of now, students and tutors use chatting, headset and web camera as the path of communication and of education. Is this the better option?

People must prefer the traditional way because in a classroom setting, students can learn and socialize with their peers. Also, from the instructor, he or she can teach students many valuable lessons of life which cannot be learned through technology. It is like the question of doing research through the library or the internet. Both have advantages and disadvantages but traditional education has the numerous advantages over on-line education.

Students learn better socially and academically in a classroom. Students are mostly young-aged. Therefore, they are generally interested in meeting and being with their peers. As they interact, it makes it easier for them to pay focus and learn. As social creatures, one could not just stay secluded and educate his own self. That is impossible! We live, grow, learn and succeed with people along the way.

Besides lecture materials, a classroom instructor teaches many other important life lessons. Students can learn and develop punctuality and good study habits. A teacher serves as a guide through education process which is a big part of life. Another important mission is to direct youth out of trouble. There is this bond between the instructor and the students which could not be built on-line. As the source of education, a teacher is not around just to introduce books and exams but also, he or she is selfless enough to share the lessons life taught her or him.

We must prefer to study at traditional schools and let us send our children there. It is because being around other people of our age or different ages gives us the opportunity to socialize and learn not only from the internet or books but from the society and from life. We could also learn other things which are important to education such as study skills. On-line education or any form of technology-based education is convenient. However, let us not risk quality. Long-term goals must always be prioritized.

No matter how advanced technology would be- there will always be these things that would stay best if they would be maintained as is. One of these things is EDUCATION.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Getting Your Newborn to Sleep All Through the Night

It is not easy to get your newborn to sleep all through the night when you first bring them home from the hospital. It may be hard to hear but a newborn baby really does need to eat every few hours. This means that they are going to wake up in the middle of the night and you need to get up to feed them. However there are ways that you can rearrange your schedule so that they can get into a good routine and this can make nighttime feedings go a lot easier.
Sleep comfortably....

The most important thing is to get the baby to sleep through the night. This means that you will get to sleep through the night. Getting a good routine is important and if you can get them done early, you are going to notice that it is easier for you to transfer to sleeping through the night when your baby no longer wakes up to eat in the middle of night anymore.

It is important to put your baby to sleep at the same time every night. Many of the new parents do not do this because they think if they have a newborn, it will be easier on them if the newborn sleeps at the same time that the parents do. However a baby is going to wake up early in the morning and so if your child is put to bed earlier at night this will put them on a schedule and a good routine. This will mean that your child is going to be less cranky during the day and your days and nights both will be more pleasant.

It is also a good idea for you to remember with your newborn is that the only times they should be waking up at night will be the times that they are hungry and need to eat. This means that if you can keep your baby happy so that they are only waking up to eat, this will be much easier for you to make the transition to having them sleep through the night. When the baby is not waking up during the night, except to eat, they are going to be much happier during the day.

There are several things that you can do to make certain that they are sleeping well. Make sure that the temperature in the room is warm and enjoyable for a baby. Your newborn should not need to have blankets on and he or she should not be dressed in many different layers to keep warm. On the same not, they should not be dressed to warmly because if a newborn gets hot he or she will wake up. Know that if you keep the room dark and quiet you and your baby are more likely to sleep better and more comfortably.

Friday, January 11, 2008


Specific Phobia!
One of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders are phobias, which are irrational fears surrounding a specific object or situation. With this type of disorder, the fear is persistent and reoccurring, even though the feared object or situation entering a person’s life is often out of control of that person. This anxiety disorder is affecting up to 18% of Americans and is the second most common mental illness among men and the most common mental illness among woman. For many, phobias interfere with daily life.

Luckily, there is help. There are many ways to treat phobias, no matter how they have developed. If you think that you suffer from a phobia, no matter what it may be, see your doctor immediately. He or she can recommend a treatment plan for you so that you can begin to overcome your fears and take back the control of your daily life. Phobias do not have to say with you forever.

Clinical phobias are separated into three main categories: social phobias (in which a person fears involvement with people and social situations), specific phobias (in which a certain trigger like heights, spiders, water, or flying can cause fear), and agoraphobia (in which a person fears leaving the comfort and familiarity of home or a safe area). There are many different treatments you can try in order to cope with any of these phobias.

Virtual reality is a relatively new kind of treatment used specifically to desensitize a patient. With virtual reality, a person is immersed in fear until becoming immune to it, essentially. You can also actually put the patient in a fearful situation, but this can sometimes be dangerous or expensive, so virtual reality is a great alternative. It also gives patients the chance to pull the plug, so to speak, if needed, so more patients agree to this treatment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy may also work to help overcome a phobia. With this method, you examine your specific thoughts and behaviors and work to overcome them. You can do this one-on-one with a therapist or in a group setting. By understanding your fears, it may be easier to realize that your fears are irrational.

Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug that has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments.


Specific Phobia!
One of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders are phobias, which are irrational fears surrounding a specific object or situation. With this type of disorder, the fear is persistent and reoccurring, even though the feared object or situation entering a person’s life is often out of control of that person. This anxiety disorder is affecting up to 18% of Americans and is the second most common mental illness among men and the most common mental illness among woman. For many, phobias interfere with daily life.

Luckily, there is help. There are many ways to treat phobias, no matter how they have developed. If you think that you suffer from a phobia, no matter what it may be, see your doctor immediately. He or she can recommend a treatment plan for you so that you can begin to overcome your fears and take back the control of your daily life. Phobias do not have to say with you forever.

Clinical phobias are separated into three main categories: social phobias (in which a person fears involvement with people and social situations), specific phobias (in which a certain trigger like heights, spiders, water, or flying can cause fear), and agoraphobia (in which a person fears leaving the comfort and familiarity of home or a safe area). There are many different treatments you can try in order to cope with any of these phobias.

Virtual reality is a relatively new kind of treatment used specifically to desensitize a patient. With virtual reality, a person is immersed in fear until becoming immune to it, essentially. You can also actually put the patient in a fearful situation, but this can sometimes be dangerous or expensive, so virtual reality is a great alternative. It also gives patients the chance to pull the plug, so to speak, if needed, so more patients agree to this treatment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy may also work to help overcome a phobia. With this method, you examine your specific thoughts and behaviors and work to overcome them. You can do this one-on-one with a therapist or in a group setting. By understanding your fears, it may be easier to realize that your fears are irrational.

Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug that has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Choosing your Anxiety Disorder Doctor

When you have an anxiety disorder, you doctor will be one of the most important people in your lives. Anxiety disorders range from social phobia to obsessive-compulsive disorder to post-traumatic stress disorder (to everything in between), and can be debilitating. If you currently think you have an anxiety disorder, you should see a doctor right away for treatment. While it may be a bit difficult to find a doctor that works well for you, using these four steps will help you to be sure to choose the perfect doctor for your situation.

The first step to choosing a doctor when you have anxiety disorder is to find what doctors are available to you. In some cases, your insurance may specify that only certain doctors in your area can be used if you want your treatments to be covered. Doctor appointments and hospital test can be very expensive, so it is important to learn which doctors are in your network. To do this, you can contact your insurance company or talk to your family doctor to find out which doctors in the area will be able to best treat your anxiety disorder.

Once you have a list of names, it is important to do a little background research about your potential doctors. In order to make the best choice, you doctor should specialize in mental illness or, even better, anxiety disorders. If all else fails, you should look for a doctor who has treated patients with anxiety disorders in the past, even if he or she does not specifically specialize in this area. You should make sure your doctor has the right credentials and can contact the AMA or BBB to make sure that your doctor’s practice is legitimate.

As a third step, contact the doctor for a consultation or appointment. Your doctor should click with you, especially if going to the doctor’s is yet another thing that triggers anxiety. When you find a doctor that works well for you, you’ll feel more at ease, no matter how stressful the treatments or tests. A good doctor will be friendly, answer all of your questions, and have enough time to deal with your case. If a doctor doesn’t know your name or relies on nurses to do most of the work, this may not be your best doctor choice.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to see more than one doctor. Second and even third opinions on your medical condition are great, and often different doctors will recommend different kinds of treatment, expanding your view of what is available for you. Of course, you should choose just one doctor to use as your primary doctor, but the only way to pick the best one is to see a number of doctors until you are sure that the one you choose is the best care-giver for you and your medical situation.