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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How Cell Phones May Cause Autism

Rates of autism, a disabling neurodevelopmental disorder, have increased nearly 60-fold since the late 1970s, with the most significant increases occurring in the past decade.

The cause of autism is unknown, although theories include such potential causes as:

* Genetic predisposition

* Inability to clear heavy metals

* Increased vulnerability to oxidative stress

* Environmental exposures including mercury preservatives in vaccines

* Trans-generational accumulation of toxic heavy metals

Now a groundbreaking new theory has been suggested by a study published in the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine: electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi devices and other similar wireless technologies as an accelerating factor in autism.

EMR May be the Missing Link

The study, which involved over five years of research on children with autism and other membrane sensitivity disorders, found that EMR negatively affects cell membranes, and allows heavy metal toxins, which are associated with autism, to build up in your body.

Meanwhile, the researchers pointed out that autism rates have increased concurrently along with the proliferation of cell phones and wireless use.

EMR, the researchers say, could impact autism by facilitating early onset of symptoms or by trapping heavy metals inside of nerve cells, which could accelerate the onset of symptoms of heavy metal toxicity and hinder therapeutic clearance of the toxins .

Speaking in reference to the huge rise in autism rates, Dr. George Carlo, the study’s co-author, said, “A rise of this magnitude must have a major environmental cause. Our data offer a reasonable mechanistic explanation for a connection between autism and wireless technology.”

They also suggest that EMR from wireless devices works in conjunction with environmental and genetic factors to cause autism.

Primary researcher for this article is Tamara Mariea. Her clinic is called Internal Balance™ Inc.( and is a state-of-the-art Detoxification Clinic located in the Nashville, TN area. Her objective is to provide high quality and current up-to-date information on the hottest topics in the natural health industry including sound advice on how to implement a personal wellness and detoxification program that works.

One of the most successful programs offered at Internal Balance is the unique strategies implemented for autistic children. In working backward through the autistic child’s life, making changes to their environment, diet and implementing State-of-the-Art detoxification strategies, the Internal Balance team has witnessed numerous changes and improvements in the lives and families of these children. In a few cases, they have witnessed miracles that have changed lives forever, including Mariea’s team.

Parents consistently report back that during and after the detoxification process and most importantly after making modifications to their home, they see huge changes in their children’s developmental progress and a decrease in the children’s general sensory discomfort.

Although Mariea believes that autism is a complicated condition that must have several factors at play for a child to fall to this diagnosis, she does believe that the three largest factors at play are

* Genetically determined detoxification capacity

* Early insult to immune system via contaminated vaccines and

* Being born with high levels of toxic burden and into a technologically advanced society riddled with ever increasing levels of radiation


©Copyright Dr. Joseph Mercola, 2007. All Rights Reserved. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Robotic Hugs vs rssHugger

How a Robotic Hugs Can Help Your Autistic Child?

The hug machine was created to help relive this frustration, putting autistic individuals in control of their situation. Both children and adults who suffer from autism sometimes crave pressure to help calm anxiety. Because of this, one woman with autism developed the hug machine, also known as a hug box or a squeeze machine. The hug machine has two padded sideboards connected near the bottom of the boards to form a V-shape. A lever helps push the sideboards together to create pressure; the lever also allows the autistic child or adult the ability to control the amount and length of pressure.

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bad Apples on the Family Tree

I am not too bad but sometimes I am better than others
The news that a child in the family is autistic is most often met with a number of reactions. While all family members, even extended, would be supportive in an ideal world, the sad truth is that many are disgusted or disappointed. Does a family member scold the autistic child often? Does he or she look at your autistic child unfairly? Does this family member insist on treating your autistic child the same way he or she treats all the other children in your family, even when it is inappropriate? These are signs that this relative is not receptive to either your autistic child or the situation. This may often be the case when discovering a child is autistic, so as a parent, be aware and prepared for this to happen.

Often, unreceptive relatives simply do not understand what autism is or what it means for your child and your immediate family. Though many see autism as a mental retardation, many autistic children and adults are highly intelligent; they are just unable to communicate this in the same ways that others would. Try explaining what autism means to this family member, and have him or her spend some time with you and your autistic child. Allow them to see the effects of autism and the methods you can use to cope.

If the family member continues to be unsupportive or refuses your explanation, ask why this family member is so unreceptive to the situation. Are they scared of hurting the child? Are they worried about the added responsibility when spending time with the child? Perhaps they feel guilty or are embarrassed. If you can pinpoint why a family member is unreceptive, you can better address the issue and hopefully help him or her overcome their original perceptions.

Perhaps no amount of talking or spending time together will help this family member overcome their prejudice. If this person has stubbornly made up his or her mind, you will never be able to show him or her how beautiful your son or daughter is-autism and all. If this is the case, eliminating this person from your life may be difficult, but it will also rid you and your child of this family member's negative energy and personality. In this developing situation, you need the best positive support available. Remember that other family members have been supportive; that your children are adjusting well and are a source of strength for you. Strengthen your support network by participating in parent support groups for autistic children. And remember that you can surround yourself with those who do accept and love your child-family or not.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Check out my Guestbook!

Hello my friend

Please feel free to leave a note or message on my new guestbook. It was located at the end of the post (please scroll down).

A lot of parents, do not aware about this syndrome. I hope, you will get some info about autistic people from the articles that I've posted here.

Enjoy reading and feel free to help others who have this special people in the family. Please take a good care of you love one and don't feel sad about it. God knows what he is doing and you have been selected to carry this special duties for bringing up the child.

I'm one of them and I'm proud out of it. You should too.

Special tag to bookjae;

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Autistic Forms of Teaching and Tolerance

Autistic Forms of Teaching and Tolerance

2 beautiful women who became the first teachers in my early educations - Syahmi  
Understanding how autistic children learn is key to teaching them with the same intensity as you teach other children. This may seem like a straightforward idea, but autistic children learn so differently that understanding autism itself is a must when you teach autistic children. By becoming educated in the disorder, teachers can effectively learn to deal with autistic children and adults both in and out of the classroom, creating a more understanding world for everyone

Autistic children are often visual thinkers. Thus teaching by speaking will not be entirely effective. Teachers should combine pictures with words for the autistic child to fully comprehend the lesson. For instance, if you are teaching about the animals of the world, you should have a flash card with the word "mouse," say the word aloud slowly and clearly, and show the child a picture of a mouse. Perhaps even bring a live mouse in for show and tell. Nouns may be easier to teach autistic children since verbs require action and can be more difficult in illustrating. If you are teaching autistic children words such as "sit" or "stand," you should complete these actions when you teach the word. Also, because of the tendency to be visual, autistic children are often unable to follow long sentences. They cannot decipher the sequence and become confused. Thus, writing instructions can be very helpful when proctoring tests or quizzes.

As visual thinkers, autistic children can often fixate on a particular object or picture. If this is the case, try incorporating that object or picture into lesson plans. If the child likes planes, try using planes for visuals wherever you can in the lesson. For example, when teaching math, create word problems about planes to interest the child. Autistic children also tend to be artistic or musical, producing highly original drawings and showing above average abilities with instruments or voice. Set aside time in the day for the arts and encourage activities that the children enjoy.

Autistic children may also have trouble writing because of the control over their hands and movement. This is frustrating for both the child and the teacher. To reduce frustration, allow the child to use a computer. If you can do this, make sure that the keyboard and monitor are close together as the child may have difficulty remembering what he or she has typed recently.

By being open to teaching an autistic child to the best of your ability, you are not only giving him or her the best opportunities in life, but you are also being a good role model to the other children in the class. Do not allow an autistic child to ruin the learning experience for others, but rather incorporate his or her oddities into your lessons as much as possible. Creating a more prejudice-free classroom is the best gift you can give this child.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Power of Music - Musical Therapy to Treat Autism

The Power of Music - Musical Therapy to Treat Autism

Musical therapy is a relatively new treatment method for autism patients, but one that should not be overlooking when discussing options. Patients who receive musical therapy often should great improvement in temperament and learning skills. Music connects to the non-verbal part of our brains, making it a perfect therapy for disorders in which the patient has trouble communicating, such as autism. Research this innovative treatment method if you are looking for some help with autism and haven't had much luck in the past.

Musical therapy is effective because it can be used in conjunction with learning social skills. Music is a very non-threatening medium for patients, and many games can be played using music to help improve social and behavioral skills. By encouraging eye contact while singing or using instruments that need to get close to the face, musical therapy can help autistic individuals break social barriers.

The number one way that musical therapy can help children, as well as older autistic patients, is by helping with the development of speech skills. Music is a way to connect the verbal and non-verbal functions in the brain. Autistic individuals may have various forms of speech problems. Some can only hum, grunt, or make other non-word noises, while others babble nonsensical phrases or cries. Still others gain the capability to put together phrases and sentences to communicate with the world, although these usually lack emotion. Autistic people are known for monotone voices. However, no matter how skilled the individual is with speech, he or she can participate in musical therapy by clapping rhythms, humming along, or doing simple echoing songs.

Autistic individuals are commonly found to be particularly good at music. Some, for instance, have perfect pitch. Others can play a particular instrument very well, with little instruction. Even if he or she shows no genius musical ability by normal standards, you may find that a particularly hard to deal with autistic person has abilities in music that exceed his or her other abilities. A musical therapist can use music as a way to link this kind of learning with other kinds of learning, not only as speech development and social behavioral development as previously discussed, but also as a way to communicate emotions and develop memory.

By using all of these techniques in conjunction with one another, musical therapy can work wonders with people who are autistic. Trained professionals can use music to teach children and others how to communicate in nonverbal ways, making it easier for patients to learn. Research the musical therapy option to provide you or your child with another choice when treating autism.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Autism Therapy Is A Lifetime Of Work

Autism Therapy Is A Lifetime Of Work
by Kerry Ng

 The Real challenge for my dad and mum!

Currently, there is no known to cure for autism known to man. Little is known about why it affects some people. Diagnosing autism can be a challenge because initially the disorder is taken as 'bad - behavior 'another corrective measures are applied. Some people believe that if autism therapy it started early in a childs life, there is some hope for amelioration in some children. Still, for parents and caregivers of an autistic child, it can be a real challenge at the best of times.

Autism can be a Very Painful Predicament for Parents

It can be very challenging as well as very painful for some parents to learn that their child is affected by autism. What makes this even more painful is the fact that there it is no cure yet for this disease and there are no guarantees that the future will bring some change. Autism therapy basically involves a series of exercises to bring the child out of his or her world. However, many parents are disappointed when it seems that their child has a door that which they shut against the world and no one can seem the open it again regardless of what they do or say.

When autistic children shut the door and close themselves off from their environment, it can be very difficult to teach them because they stop observing and observation is an important tool for learning. What autism therapy involves is working around this obstacle through various approaches based on applied behavioral analysis. However, progress can be very slow in many cases, simply because the child doesnt react to their outside environment. Even with powerful reinforcement and encouragement - which in itself is a very powerful tool - does not apply in this case.

There Are Some Small Rays of Hope

There are cases of children with autism that have made a total transition. With these cases, the autism therapy started when the children were very young, usually between two to three years old. Such cases act as inspiration for both the parents and caregivers of the autistic child. Unfortunately, the educational facilities available for autistic children are very limited and extremely expensive. Obviously, this is very frustrating on the part of the parents with limited resources.

Most parents of these children opt for home schooling. In most cases, these parents find it easier to home school their autistic child, rather than fight the million and one obstacles they will encounter when they ask for state education facilities. Currently there is a shortage of specialist for autism therapy, which stacks the odds against these children.

However, not all is doom or gloom. There is a flicker of hope still. There are a number of cases showing that when autism therapy has been started at an early age, there has been a total turnaround where the child became almost normal. Though nobody knows exactly how or why these turnarounds happened, it still does hold a glimmer of hope and promise for both the parents and the autistic child that there might be a potential cure somewhere down road.

About The Author
Kerry Ng is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The Autism Blog. For more great helpful information about Autism visit The Autism Blog.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Here's The One Thing You Can Start Doing Today That Can Help Prevent Acne

Here's The One Thing You Can Start Doing Today That Can Help Prevent Acne

By Houa Yang

You probably don’t know this yet but product wastes and toxic build up in your system is one of the main reasons why you have acne or why your skin breaks out.

You see, your body has 4 channels of elimination...your bowels, kidneys, lungs, and your skin. Your bowels and kidneys are the primary channels that your body expels product wastes and toxics through.

The only time that your body expels product wastes through your lungs and skin is when your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with product wastes and toxics or when your bowels becomes sluggish.

When this happens, your body will take some of the product waste and expel it through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). Resulting in acne breakout.

However, you can prevent this from happening by increasing “fiber” intake. Fiber will absorb these toxins and product waste, and help your bowels sweep them out of your system fast.

So by taking enough fiber, you’ll be able to speed up your bowels transit time thus, preventing your body from expelling toxics through your skin and preventing acne.

So your next step is to start eating the type of foods that contains the highest amount of fiber.

What types of food contains the highest amount of fiber? Fruits and non-starchy vegetables.

Fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, raspberries, and strawberries. And vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, parsnips, and potatoes. These contains the highest amount of fiber.

But this does not mean that you go out and eat as much of these high fiber foods as you can.

You should only consume enough so that your bowel transit time is between 12 to 18 hours. In other words, try not to consume too much fiber in day or else your transit time may be too fast causing nutrients to pass through your system without being absorbed. So if your transit time is under 12 hours, you may want to reduce the amount of fibers consume each day.

However, if your transit time is more than 24 hours then you really need to consume more fiber intake or else your body will start expelling these product wastes and toxins through your skin (resulting in acne breakout).

For me it’s about 32 grams of fiber a day but it may be different for you, so you should really test it out for yourself and see how much grams of fiber you should be consuming each day. It’s probably best to start out with 30 grams of fiber a day and go on from there.

How much grams of fiber does each fruit and vegetable contain? For the fruits I’ve listed above it’s about 3 grams each and the vegetables are about 2 grams each. However, I do recommend you consume more vegetables than fruits because fruits are high in natural sugar.

While consuming more fiber alone will not stop acne it can help in preventing acne. And that’s one portion of the pie in fighting acne.

For more information on treating the root cause of acne, visit:
How to Deal With Acne Problem?