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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Check out my Guestbook!

Hello my friend

Please feel free to leave a note or message on my new guestbook. It was located at the end of the post (please scroll down).

A lot of parents, do not aware about this syndrome. I hope, you will get some info about autistic people from the articles that I've posted here.

Enjoy reading and feel free to help others who have this special people in the family. Please take a good care of you love one and don't feel sad about it. God knows what he is doing and you have been selected to carry this special duties for bringing up the child.

I'm one of them and I'm proud out of it. You should too.

Special tag to bookjae;


  1. You're a good father, SM Saroni. I hope you approve your link on Web Directory where your anchor tags are AUTISM - Father's Love.

    My two cents - it's better to have your AdSense's background colour the same as your post's background colour.

  2. Thanks. No problem for me about the link. Most appreciated.

    The problem is I cannot change the color as to Adsense, cos of the template color itself cannot be undone.

    BTW, I luv the template. If you find one, please do let me know.

  3. Nak tau kod kaler background page - klik (kalo guna FireFox) View --> Page Source.

    DiPage Source cari le, macam blog ni ia tulis "<Variable name="PageBgColor" description="Page Background Color" type="color" default="#7C2250">"

    So tukar kaler background AdSense kepada #7C2250. Border pun camtu jugak, #7C2250.

    Kalau tak paham, jangan segan jangan malu, kita sama2 belajar. Just shoot me an email. InsyaAllah, saya akan bantu mana yang termampu.

  4. Sori, saya pakai software eyedropper dan pixie yang boleh memberitahu colour code dengan mudah, kedua2 software tersebut memberi #C5CBA5 sebagai warna background page tersebut. Cuba guna kedua2 kod untuk mencari persamaan.

  5. Yeop, thanks for signing up my guestbook. Finally, my adsense code match with my post. Wow and thanks a lot brother for helping me to touch up the page. Now it's more presentable and readable.

  6. Thanks to everyone taking their time to read this review on how my son was saved from Autism.
    He was diagnosed four years ago, and he's just 6, I have tried several treatments and medications, nothing was working out, this got me frustrated and depressed. I kept praying and finally God answered my prayers when someone from Facebook introduced me to this doctor from his home country and gave me his contact details.
    I called and explained my son's condition after which I made an order for his herbal remedy, he asked for my address and the next day I got a tracking number for a parcel sent to me through DHL and after four days I received my order.
    It was a liquid herbal medicine and a letter containing the instructions on how to use the herbs, I called him again to confirm and the next morning I started giving my son the herbs as instructed and after one week I noticed great improvement on my son and I continued until the herbs got finished and everything lasted for just one month and now my son is totally free from Autism, he can now talk clearly, behave normally and has no more seizures.
    If you've been searching for a genuine solution for Autism, connect with this honest Doctor on Whats App

    or ( solutionhealinghome@ gmail. com )

